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We Are Circular
Davines Group, an international company founded in Parma in 1983, is dedicated to the professional haircare market with the Davines brand, and the skincare market with the brands [ comfort zone ] and /skinregimen/.
The international momentum, the Made in Italy excellence, the care towards the environment and the people are the values that underlie
our business model oriented to a prosperous longevity.
In fact, we believe that the balance between beauty and sustainability – what we call “Sustainable Beauty” – can improve our lives
and the world around us.
Proin egestas imperdiet arcu et pulvinar. Maecenas ornare eros eu mauris auctor, ac viverra risus viverra. Maecenas sit amet sollicitudin lacus. Mauris sit amet elementum leo. Nunc diam eros, semper vitae sodales at, aliquam nec quam. Praesent imperdiet nulla et urna tempor, id convallis nisl ultricies. Nam ac vulputate metus.
Our aim is to inspire and improve the work life quality
of worldwide beauty professionals through concepts, products and services that will allow them to offer unique experiences to their clients.
Our aim is to inspire and improve the work life quality
of worldwide beauty professionals through concepts, products and services that will allow them to offer unique experiences to their clients.
We measure the environmental impact
generated by our products in the course of their entire life cycle, from conception, through the production, up to the supply chain of marketing.
To the collaborators of the headquarters of Parma and the branches we dedicateconcrete social commitment, promoting diversity and inclusion, gender equality,high quality of life and growth professional.
Dicover MoreWe are aware of our external social impact, both on local communities that up international ones. For this we select the business partners according to social and environmental criteria, we give life
to territorial projects and we support local initiatives with solidarity actions.
We trace out with certainty our path
to improve at 360° our sustainability performances, contributing towards
the creation of a new standard with which the company places itself at the service
of all its stakeholders.
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