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MARCH 2023

How does it work

From [ADD START DATE] to [ADD END DATE], buy [ADD YOUR COMBINATION OF PRODUCTS] and conditioner at the special price of [ADD YOUR SPECIAL PRICE] in participating salons.

[IN CASE YOU HAVE A DONATION, YOU CAN ADD HERE THE DESCRIPTION. Ie: 1€ per each order will be donated to Planet Earth association, for the protection of sea whales] 

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It's B Corp Month!

March is the month dedicated to Certified B Corporations — companies like Davines that seek a balance between profit and purpose, between economy and ethics.

You can be a part of that change too: if we all choose products from sustainable companies, we can encourage the emergence of a more circular and regenerative economic model.

Shop consciously

When you buy Davines products, you are supporting a B Corp. Find a Davines salon near you!

How is our Planet?

We are aware that we live in a globally-interconnected system, and are therefore dependent on each other. This could be the foundation for collective prosperity, but instead we are often violating the equilibria that have always governed life on the planet. 

It's time to join forces and change our way of being in the world. An ambitious goal, to be achieved with everyone's effort. 

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Let's change together

B the Change aims to inspire conscious purchasing choices: if we all together choose products from sustainable companies, we will foster a more circular and regenerative economic model. March celebrates B Corporations, companies that work sustainably to give back more value to the environment and society than they absorb. Davines has been a B Corp since 2016 and has selected a few that have made a special dynamic available to those who join the campaign. Start buying B Corp with B the Change. 

What is a B Corp?

The B Corp movement was born in the United States in 2006 — before the green wave — with an ambitious goal: help companies to find a balance between “profit” and “purpose”, i.e. between “finance” and “ethics”. B Corps are, however, for-profit companies; that is to say, they have financial, as well as ethical goals. The certification is an attestation that they comply with the highest environmental and social sustainability standards.  

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Meet Essential Haircare

Essential Haircare is our line enriched with Slow Food Presidia ingredients that contribute to the planet's biodiversity. All of these products are made with high percentages of natural and biodegradable ingredients that minimize their environmental impact.

Sale Off
DEDE Shampoo

Davines as a B Corp

To become a Certified B Corporation, companies are required to pass a true admission test, in which they quantify their impact on the planet and its people. Davines first obtained the B Corp certification in 2016, with a score of 99. Three years later, it was re-certified, having managed to improve its score to 117.4. 


2 Responses

Patty Field
Patty Field

March 17, 2023

Could you improve packaging? I love your liquid spell, and wondering if you could sell this in a bag with a larger quantity that I could refill my foamer container? I think if company’s start reducing their current packaging practices, we could all be contributing to reducing our carbon footprint!! Thank you for your consideration!

Patricia Randazzo
Patricia Randazzo

March 17, 2023

I am very pease with VoluShampoo, DEDE Hair mist and Liquid Spell. I have hair that never grew up. It is very fine and limited in quantity. These products have greatly improved my hair’s appearance.

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